Meditation Tools for Life

Topic Progress:

Set yourself up to meditate for a lifetime not a short time.

How to set up meditation with Amy G.

  1. Find a place to call your meditation zone (don’t be attached to it).
  2. Anchor it with something you love. A candle, picture, incense, plant, crystal.
  3. Each day is a new day, notice what you need, get grounded and then play.
  4. Start small. Just 5mins a day is enough to start with. Build into a 20min practice over one month. Start with 5mins a day for a week, then increase to 10mins in week 2, 15mins in week 3, and 20mins in week 4.


Any amount of meditation is beneficial for the body.

Some days you will need stillness, other days some movement, some days you will use a mantra, other days the breath. All is welcome!

Food for thought…

  • Anything simple of repetitive brings us into a state of meditation. Write a list of 5 things that you could use as a gateway into meditation

  • Something you can easily immerse with is an expanding way to meditate. Write down three things you love to be with and how they make you feel. This could be a person, place or thing, a sense or movement, feeling or emotion, or your favourite activity.

  • You are in a constant cycle between thoughts and quiet, action and stillness. When you meditate, begin to notice when you have a lot of thoughts and when you feel totally still in your body. By observing this cycle of the mind we become less judgemental of the experience. If you can get ok with your thoughts, you can get ok in the stillness of meditation. Refer to the 8 Rs we learnt in Week 2.

Use these prompting questions to expand your meditation toolkit. Play with one of these techniques for a week and see what happens.

Bhavana Meditation with Amy.

Amy invites you to find a quality that you love as the bouncing off place to meditate.

“Don’t beat yourself up for the perfect meditation experience, just start to experience meditation.”

Amy G