Women's Health Physiotherapist at Selph Health Studios Sydney

A Safe and Nurturing Space for Mums and Mums-to-be​

The journey through pregnancy and into the postpartum period brings with it unique physical transformations and challenges. At Selph, our pregnancy physiotherapy services are intentionally designed to cater to these specific needs.

Our compassionate and specialised physiotherapists possess a deep understanding of the physiological shifts that occur and provide targeted care to support the body’s natural processes during these times.

Our approach focuses on restoring balance and promoting long-term wellness for women during and after pregnancy.

Many sensitive issues arise in the female body during and after pregnancy. We have created a safe environment where you can feel comfortable discussing your concerns openly and then helping you through them successfully.

We aim to empower women by equipping them with the tools they need to enhance their overall wellbeing. Our goal is not only to provide effective treatment but also educate you on self care practices for your own ongoing health maintenance.

Pregnancy & Postpartum Support

Expert care to help with a happier, pain free pregnancy.

Pregnancy and Postpartum Treatment & Support

Our Services Tailored for Your Unique Journey

We understand that each pregnancy and postpartum experience is unique. Our services are flexible and adaptable, designed to meet you wherever you are on your journey. From first-time mothers to those expanding their families, our evidence-based Physiotherapy practices support a range of needs, including labor preparation and postpartum recovery. 

We collaborate with other practitioners at Selph to ensure a holistic approach to your care, aiming for the best outcomes for both you and your baby.

Pregnancy Care: Comprehensive Support for Every Trimester

Our pregnancy care goes beyond managing discomfort. We focus on a proactive approach to prevent potential issues and enhance your body’s natural ability to adapt to pregnancy. This includes a thorough assessment of your musculoskeletal system to address any imbalances that may affect your pregnancy experience. 

With techniques like manual therapy, specialised exercises, and education on body mechanics, we aim to improve your comfort and mobility, reduce stress on your body, and prepare you for childbirth.

Postnatal Care: Personalised Recovery Plans

In the postnatal phase, our care is meticulously tailored to your body’s recovery needs. We provide support and advice on how your body will react to the change in lifestyle – from proper breastfeeding positions to prevent neck and back strain, and exercises that support the healing of the perineum and abdominal muscles after delivery. 

Our comprehensive postnatal assessments are designed to identify and treat conditions such as Diastasis Recti, providing you with strategies to safely return to your pre-pregnancy activities and exercise routines.

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

Recognising the pivotal role of the pelvic floor in your overall health, our rehabilitation program is structured to support and enhance these muscles’ function post-birth. We integrate biofeedback and real-time ultrasound in our assessments and treatments, giving you insight into the function of your pelvic floor and the progress you’re making. 

By addressing issues like incontinence and pelvic pain with evidence-based treatments, we help you regain confidence in your body’s capabilities.

Cesarean Surgery Care

Our care extends to ensure you have the best possible outcomes for your cesarean surgery. Pre-surgical care includes education on what to expect and exercises to prepare your body for surgery.

Post-surgery, we offer specialised programs for rehabilitation, including guidance on managing post-operative pain, optimising scar tissue healing, and pelvic floor retraining. Our goal is to support your full recovery so you can return to your daily life with ease and comfort.


Your Pregnancy Journey At Selph

We offer a complete and supported pregnancy journey for women at any stage of pregnancy. This program ensures you are supported throughout your pregnancy and post birth, with your own Pregnancy Care Specialist and our team of pregnancy focused practitioners.

We highly encourage women to take advantage of this service as it enables pre-emptive care, and allows women to experience a healthier, happier and more comfortable pregnancy, with expert advice at your fingertips.