
Wellness Packages

Our range of bespoke packages have been thoughtfully designed to address a specific thread of the physical, mental or emotional body. 

Each offering has been carefully curated by our team of dedicated practitioners, allowing you to effortlessly ease into support and care.

Explore our packages below.

Release Stress & Regain Happiness
Tools to help address, service and maintain your emotional health. 

Our 4-week program is designed to identify and remove the sources of your stress, instilling a deep sense of calm in your body, and fostering positive behavioural pattern for the mind. This transformative experience aims to help you tap into your innate happiness, setting you on a path that opens you up to daily appreciation and joy.

Includes a bespoke 4 weeks of NET, Craniosacral Theapy, Acu-Cranio Therapy and Healing Massage, as well as a specialised online platform.

Read more here.



Gut Health Reset
Identify and treat the causes behind your gut issues.

Whether you’re experiencing acute or chronic gut issues, or lingering gut problems that don’t seem to ever go away a GI Mapping and Naturopath package is the most effective way to both understand whats wrong and work to fix it.

Whether you’re experiencing acute or chronic gut and health issues, this package is an evidence based approach to health which includes thorough consultations and pathology findings in order to get to the root cause of your symptoms.


Read more here.

$695 (includes GI Map testing cost charged by lab)


Body and Mind Relaxation
Relax your body and your energy with this physical, mental and emotional reset.

This offering is the ultimate relaxation experience which incorporates a holistic approach to calming the nervous system and revitalising the body. The energetics and calming nature of Craniosacral treatment, combined with the physical and emotional benefits of massage therapy work in tandem to address any physical, emotional and mental stressors or ailments that may be draining you. 

This package will have you feeling re-energised and relaxed.

Includes a relaxation Massage and a Craniosacral sessions.

Read more here.


Active Body
Optimise your physical performance with structural support and expert advice. 

Our Active Body offering is a bespoke service to ensure those engaging in regular exercise, including competitive athletes and trainers are receiving regular maintenance of their structural, muscular and lymphatic systems in order to support energy levels, optimise performance, aid in recovery and prevent injury. 

Includes Chiropractic or Physiotherapy sessions, Acupuncture session and Remedial Massages.

Read more here.
