Super Sessions and How They Can Support Your Mental and Emotional Wellbeing.

Super Sessions and How They Can Support Your Mental and Emotional Wellbeing.

Super Sessions and how they can support your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Whether you’re struggling with a lack of confidence, having difficulty moving past a relationship trauma, feel as though your life has a ceiling, or feel as though you’re stuck in rut, all of these all experiences point to a deeper displacement of emotional trauma from your past or even your inherited emotional patterning. 

Super Sessions are an amazing way to get to the root cause of mental and emotional symptoms or blockages which may surface throughout the ebb and flow of life, allowing you to move forward with a sense of clarity and awareness. 

Chiropractor Dr Evan Sgammotta and DNA Emotional Practitioner Leanne Magoulias are highly trained in their respective professions and come to together to offer a unique and ground-breaking treatment which traces back mental and emotional issues to their original event, allowing you to process and move past them for good. 

Keep reading to find out about patient Georgie’s experience with Super Sessions and how they provided her with the mental and emotional clarity she needed.

Meet Super Session Patient Georgie

Georgie talks us through the breakthrough she experienced after having Super Session treatments with our DNA Emotional Pracitioner Leanne Magoulias and Chiropractor Dr. Evan Sgammotta.

Georgie’s symptoms weren’t obvious or severe, but something more subtle, causing her to feel disconnected and unsure.

‘I knew I was in a really beautiful position in my life but I really wasn’t finding the joy in that. I think it’s quite common for people to feel as though there is just something going on – you’re not really sure what it is, you can’t really pinpoint it, you just feel as though there’s a slight discord.’  – Georgie, Super Session Patient. 

Watch the video for Georgie’s full testimonial. 


How Does it Work?

Leanne and Evan work in tandem with their separate healing methodologies to unblock your body. 

Evan uses N.E.T to tap your physical body to locate the source of the emotional memory, while Leanne uses her emotional DNA technique to locate the source of the emotional inheritance in your DNA.

The combination of both healings in one Super Session is equivalent to five individual practitioner sessions. 

Super Sessions can provide clarity on situations or patterns that are negatively impacting your everyday life, preventing you from moving forward. Each session is unique to the individual and the outcome can feel like a weight lifted off your shoulders.

A Super Session can unblock the learned and inherited emotions and bring calm and peace into your body and life.

Click the link below to book your appointment.