Maintaining Mindfulness In the Office With Selph Chiropractor Dr Evan Sgammotta.

Maintaining Mindfulness In the Office With Selph Chiropractor Dr Evan Sgammotta.

As the end of February approaches, it’s so easy to forget our New Year’s resolutions and slip back into our old routines, which can often mean long hours in the office creep back in. 

For many of us, returning to a regular working week can also mean the return of poor posture and poor habits, leading to lower back pain, tension and headaches, as well as stress and anxiety. 

Selph Chiropractor Dr Evan Sgammotta has given us some insight into how to offset this working week behaviour in order to feel more balanced and aligned, whilst working to prevent future burnout and injury.


Becoming aware of your posture is the first step to preventative care. Poor posture in the office can have a knock-on affect throughout the rest of your life, with prolonged periods of poor, uncorrected posture can lead to long-term damage. When you sit down at your desk, take a moment to check these things:

  1. Your eyes are lined up with your screen and your not looking down.
  2. Your wrists are neutral when you are hitting the keyboard.
  3. Your back is comfortable in sitting up right. 
  4. Your feet can touch the floor and are comfortable.

While in the office, it’s important to leave the desk and take a walk each hour. Do some stretches, focusing on the quads, flutes and shoulders to help alleviate any tension. Movement  and exercise is the best thing way to counteract sitting at a desk all day, so try your best to get moving after work with a gentle yoga flow or evening walk. 

If you continue to strain your neck, you increase pressure on the joints and will change the shape of your neck curve, pushing your head forward. This can cause wear and tear such as arthritis and result in chronic headaches and other unwanted symptoms. 

Chiropractic treatment can help to correct poor posture and the pain associated with it, including any stress or anxiety that has arisen. It’s important to consider regular adjustments as preventative care for your spine and body in order to address and minor imbalances as they arise and before they become bigger issues. 

Take Home Tip:

Once you get home from the office, roll up a towel or use a roller and ly down on your back with the towel or roller going down your spine. Allow your arms and chest to fall open and stay there for 2-3 minutes, breathing deeply. 

This is a great way to rest the upper back posture after sitting at a desk and looking at screen all day. It also helps to bring you back into your body and alleviate any residual stress from the day. It’s important to honour your physical and mental health by taking a moment to check in and bring attention to the places that need it most. 

If you’re feeling any discomfort, pain or tension, use the code CHIRO20 for 20% off your intial chiropractic appointment with any of our practitioners.